Wednesday, April 5 - 12:00 pm to Wednesday, April 26 - 12:00 pm
HUM 587

Society on Display: Celebration, Procession and Protest
Gillian McIntosh (San Francisco State University)
Wednesday, April 5
A Journey in Triumph, A Journey in Sorrow: Two Exiles Return to Rome
Lissa Crofton-Sleigh (Santa Clara University)
Wednesday, April 12
Gateways to Rome: Architecture and Topographical Display in Aeneid 6 and 7
Carey Seal (UC Davis)
Wednesday, April 19
The Voice of the People in Latin Epic and Tragedy
Kim Shelton (UC Berkeley)
Wednesday, April 26
Festival and Spectacle: Processions in the Early Greek World
All lectures will be held in HUM 587 at 7pm, with a reception to follow.
Event contact:
Classics Students Association
Event email:
Event phone:
Event sponsor:
The Classics Studetns Association and the Department of Classics