Tuesday, April 23 - 7:00 pm to Wednesday, May 1 - 7:00 pm
HUM 587

The Classics Students Association’s 27th Annual Spring Lecture Series is approaching, and we would like to announce the exciting presenters we have invited to speak on this year’s topic: Whose Classics?
- 4/10: Stefani Echeverría-Fenn, Co-Founder of The Sportula: Microgrants for Classics Students, Meas Esse Aliquid Putare Nugas: 'Small things' and Economic Justice in Classics
- 4/17: Dr. Donna Zuckerberg, Editor-In-Chief, Eidolon, My Classics Will Be Intersectional, Or...
- 4/24: Rhodessa Jones and the Medea Project: Theater for Incarcerated Women/HIV Circle, Our Classics: Ancient Myth in the Community
- 5/1: Dr. Anastasia Sakellariadi, Whose Classics? Whose Heritage? Classical Archaeology and the 'Loss of Innocence'
All lectures will take place at 7-8 p.m. in HUM 587 with a reception to follow.
More details will follow. We hope to see you all there
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Classics Students Association
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