27th Annual Spring Lecture Series: 2019
Wednesday, April 10, 2019
Event Time 07:00 p.m. - 07:00 p.m.
Free to the public
Humanities 587
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The Classics Student Association presents:
Whose Classics?
The 27th Annual Spring Lecture Series
4/10: Stefani Echeverría-Fenn, representing The Sportula: Microgrants for Classics Students
Meas Esse Aliquid Putare Nugas: ‘Small Things’ and Economic Justice in Classics
4/17: Dr. Donna Zuckerberg, Editor-in-Chief at Eidolon
My Classics Will Be Intersectional, Or...
4/24: Rhodessa Jones and the Medea Project: Theater for Incarcerated Women/HIV Circle
Our Classics: Ancient Myth in the Community
5/1: Dr. Anastasia Sakellariadi
Whose Classics? Whose Heritage? Classical Archaeology and the ‘Loss of Innocence’
Lectures will be held in HUM 587, 7-8 PM with reception to follow
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