Class Schedule

Department of Classics

For course description please visit the Academic Bulletin.

Classical Archaeology

Archaeology of the Ancient World

Class: CLAR 250.01
Instructor: Chapman

Art and Archaeology of Ancient Rome

Class: CLAR 420
Cross-List: ARTH 401
Meeting Times: 1230-1345 Tuesday, Thursday
Room: FA 193
Instructor: Chapman

Greek Vase Painting

Class: CLAR 530
Cross-List: ARTH 409
Meeting Times: 1100-1215 Tuesday, Thursday
Instructor: Chapman

Independent Study

Class: CLAR 699
Class: CLAR 899


Ancient Epic Tales

Class: CLAS 230
Meeting Times: 930-1045 Tuesday, Thursday
Room: HUM 109
Instructor: Pappas

Greek & Roman Mythology

Class: CLAS 260.01
Meeting Times: 1100-1215 Monday, Wednesday
Room: HUM 582
Instructor: Smith

Class: CLAS 260.02
Meeting Times: 1400-1515 Monday, Wednesday
Room: HUM 113
Instructor: Smith

The Ancient World in Film

Class: CLAS 280.01
Cross-List: CINE 180.01
Meeting Times: 1400-1515 Monday, Wednesday
Room: BH 237
Instructor: Safran

Class: CLAS 280.02
Cross-List: CINE 180.02
Meeting Times: 1530-1645 Monday, Wednesday
Room: BH 237
Instructor: Safran

Ancient Greek Literature

Class: CLAS 410
Cross-List: HUM 401
Meeting Times: 1100-1215 Tuesday, Thursday
Room: HUM 114
Instructor: Pappas

The Ancient World in Video Games

Class: CLAS 450
Meeting Times: 1100-1215 Tuesday, Thursday
Room: HUM 382
Instructor: Safran

Gender and Sexuality in Ancient Greece and Rome

Class: CLAS 530
Cross-List: SXS 530
Meeting Times: 1400-1515 Monday, Wednesday
Room: Online
Instructor: Avinger

Editing & Publishing the Classics Journal

Class: CLAS 690

Independent Study

Class: CLAS 699
Class: CLAS 899

Greek Language and Literature

Class: CLAS 701
Meeting Times: 1500-1745 Tuesday
Instructor: Pappas

Community Engagement Project

Class: CLAS 894

Directed Reading in Classics

Class: CLAS 896
Must be taken concurrently with CLAS 896EXM

Master's Thesis

Class: CLAS 898


Elementary Ancient Greek

Class: GRE 101
Meeting Times: 1200-1340
Instructor: Avinger

Independent Study

Class: GRE 699
Class: GRE 899


Intermediate Latin

Class: LATN 101
Meeting Times: 1000-1140 Monday, Wednesday
Instructor: Avinger

Independent Study

Class: LATN 699
Class: LATN 899

Greek & Roman Mythology

Class: CLAS 260.01
Session R1: June 3-July 5
Instructor: Smith

Class: CLAS 260.02
Session R3: June 8-August 9
Instructor: Smith

N.B. This is a tentative schedule, and is subject to change

Classical Archaeology

Archaeology of the Ancient World

Class: CLAR 250.01
Meeting Times: 9:30-10:45 Monday, Wednesday
Room: HUM 286
Instructor: Chapman

Class: CLAR 250.02
Instructor: Chapman

Art and Archaeology of Ancient Rome

Class: CLAR 425
Cross-List: ARTH 402
Meeting Times: 1230-1345 Monday, Wednesday
Room: MH 412
Instructor: Chapman

Independent Study

Class: CLAR 699
Class: CLAR 899


Ancient Epic Tales

Class: CLAS 230.01
Meeting Times: 1400-1515 Tuesday, Thursday
Room: HUM 129
Instructor: Avinger

Class: CLAS 230.02
Meeting Times: 1230-1345 Tuesday, Thursday
Instructor: Avinger

Greek & Roman Drama

Class: CLAS 240
Meeting Times: 1100-1215 Tuesday, Thursday
Room: HUM 277
Instructor: Safran

Greek & Roman Mythology

Class: CLAS 260
Instructor: Smith

The Ancient World in Film

Class: CLAS 280.01
Cross-List: CINE 180.01
Meeting Times: 1230-1345 Monday, Wednesday
Room: HUM 382
Instructor: Safran

Class: CLAS 280.02
Cross-List: CINE 180.02
Meeting Times: 1530-1645 Monday, Wednesday
Room: HUM 129
Instructor: Safran

Ancient Roman Literature

Class: CLAS 415
Cross-List: HUM 402
Meeting Times: 1230-1345 Tuesday, Thursday
Room: HUM 582
Instructor: McIntosh

Classics and the Environment

Class: CLAS 420
Meeting Times: 1600-1845 Wednesday
Instructor: Smith

Gender and Sexuality in Ancient Greece and Rome

Class: CLAS 530
Cross-List: SXS 530
Meeting Times: 930-1045 Tuesday, Thursday
Room: BH 236
Instructor: Avinger

Tales of Ancient India: Hinduism and Buddhism

Class: CLAS 582
Cross-List: HIST 370 and HUM 582
Meeting Times: 1230-1345 Monday, Wednesday
Room: HUM 582
Instructor: Chekuri (History)

Editing & Publishing the Classics Journal

Class: CLAS 690

Independent Study

Class: CLAS 699
Class: CLAS 899

Roman Art and Archaeology

Class: CLAS 704
Meeting Times: 1530-1615 Tuesday
Instructor: Anderson

Community Engagement Project

Class: CLAS 894

Directed Reading in Classics

Class: CLAS 896
Must be taken concurrently with CLAS 896EXM

Master's Thesis

Class: CLAS 898


Greek Drama I

Class: GRE 445
Class: GRE 745
Meeting Times: 1400-1515 Monday, Wednesday
Instructor: Smith

Independent Study

Class: GRE 699
Class: GRE 899


Intermediate Latin

Class: LATN 202
Meeting Times: 1000-1140 Tuesday, Thursday
Room: MH 411 and Online
Instructor: McIntosh

Roman Epic II

Class: LATN 446
Class: LATN 746
Meeting Times: 1400-1515 Tuesday, Thursday
Room: MH 411 and Online
Instructor: McIntosh

Independent Study

Class: LATN 699
Class: LATN 899

*CLAR 250.01 Archaeology of the Ancient World     Asynchronous Online Chapman/Gillespie
*CLAR 250.02 Archaeology of the Ancient World     Asynchronous Online Chapman/Gillespie
 CLAR 420B Art and Archaeology of Ancient Greece =ARTH 401   Asynchronous Online Chapman/Gillespie
*CLAR 500B Art and Archaeology of Ancient Egypt =ARTH 407 930-1045 TuTh Online/BUS 219 Rose
 CLAR 699/899 Independent Study     ARR    


*CLAS 230 Ancient Epic Tales   1100-1215 MW HUM 382 Safran
*CLAS 240 Greek & Roman Drama   1400-1515 TuTh HUM 286 Avinger
*CLAS 260.01 Greek & Roman Mythology   1230-1345 TuTh HUM 579 Safran
*CLAS 260.02 Greek & Roman Mythology     Asynchronous Online Smith
*CLAS 260.03 Greek & Roman Mythology     Asynchronous Online Smith
*CLAS 280.01B The Ancient World in Film =CINE 180 930-1045 MW BH 237 Safran
*CLAS 280.02B The Ancient World in Film =CINE 180 1400-1515 MW HUM 301 Safran
*CLAS 410B Ancient Greek Literature =HUM 401 930-1045 TuTh HUM 132 Avinger
*CLAS 490 History of Ideas in the Ancient Classical World   1100-1215 TuTh HUM 111 Avinger
ACLAS 690/890 Edit & Publish Classical Journal   ARR      
 CLAS 697 Honors Thesis   ARR      
 CLAS 699/899 Independent Study   ARR      
 CLAS 702 Latin Language and Literature   1530-1815 W Online McIntosh
ACLAS 896/896EXM Directed Reading: Classics   ARR      
 CLAS 898 Masters Thesis/Creative Work   ARR      


*GRE 101 Elementary Ancient Greek 1200-1340 TuTh Online/MH 411 Chabay
AGRE 450/750 Greek Philosophy I 1400-1515 MW Online Smith
 GRE 699/899 Independent Study ARR      


*LATN 101 Elementary Latin 1000-1140 MW Online/MH 411 McIntosh
ALATN 436/736 Roman Novel 1230-1345 MW Online/MH 411 McIntosh
 LATN 699/899 Independent Study ARR      

*Approved for General Education

N.B. This is a tentative schedule, and is subject to change

Course Number Name Session Time Online Instructor
*CLAS 260 Greek & Roman Mythology R3 (July 10-August 11) Asynchronous Online Chapman
*CLAS 280A The Ancient World in Film R1 (June 5-July 7) Asynchronous Online Avinger

 *Approved for General Education

N.B. This is a tentative schedule, and is subject to change


*CLAR 250.01 Archaeology of the Ancient World     Asynchronous Online Chapman
*CLAR 250.02 Archaeology of the Ancient World   1100-1215 TuTh HUM 301 Chapman
 CLAR 425B Art and Archaeology of Ancient Rome =ARTH 402 930-1045 TuTh HUM 213/Online Anderson
*CLAR 500B Art and Archaeology of Ancient Egypt =ARTH 407   Asynchronous Online Anderson
 CLAR 531B Greek Sculpture =ARTH 410 800-915 TuTh BH 338 Pappas
 CLAR 699/899 Independent Study   ARR      



*CLAS 230.01 Ancient Epic Tales   930-1045 TuTh HUM 121 Pappas
*CLAS 240 Greek & Roman Drama   1230-1345 TuTh HUM 111 Avinger
*CLAS 260.01 Greek & Roman Mythology   930-1045 TuTh HUM 127 Avinger
*CLAS 260.02 Greek & Roman Mythology   1230-1345 MW HUM 301 Safran
*CLAS 260.03 Greek & Roman Mythology   Asynchronous   Online Smith
*CLAS 280.01B The Ancient World in Film =CINE 180 930-1045 MW BH 237 Safran
*CLAS 280.02B The Ancient World in Film =CINE 180 1400-1515 TuTh HUM 286 Chapman
*CLAS 415B Ancient Roman Literature =HUM 402 930-1045 MW HUM 582/Online McIntosh
*CLAS 420 Classics and the Environment   1600-1845 M Online Smith
*CLAS 530B Gender and Sexuality in Ancient Greece and Rome =SXS 530 1400-1515 TuTh Online Avinger
*CLAS 582B Tales from Ancient India: Hinduism and Buddhism =HIST 370/HUM 582 1400-1515 TuTh HSS 153 Chekuri
ACLAS 690/890 Edit & Publish Classics Journal   ARR      
 CLAS 697 Honors Thesis   ARR      
 CLAS 699/899 Independent Study   ARR      
 CLAS 703 Greek Art and Archaeology   1600-1845 W Online Smith
ACLAS 896/896EXM Directed Reading: Classics   ARR      
 CLAS 898 Master's Thesis/Creative Work   ARR      


*GRE 202 Intermediate Ancient Greek 1200-1340 TuTh Online Pappas
 GRE 699/899 Independent Study ARR


 LATN 202 Intermediate Latin 1400-1540 MW HUM 118/Online McIntosh
ALATN 455/755 Roman Elegy and Lyric I 1100-1215 MW HUM 211/Online McIntosh
 LATN 699/899 Independent Study ARR

*Approved for General Education
N.B.  This is a tentative schedule, and is subject to change

Course Number Name Cross Time Day Online Professor
*CLAR 250.01 Archaeology of the Ancient World   Asynchronous   Online Chapman
*CLAR 250.02 Archaeology of the Ancient World   1100-1215 MW HUM 108 Chapman
 CLAR 420B Art and Archaeology of Ancient Greece =ARTH 401 1400-1515 TuTh FA 193 Chapman
*CLAR 500B Art and Archaeology of Ancient Egypt =ARTH 407 Asynchronous   Online Anderson
 CLAR 545/845A Pompeii & Herculaneum: Cities in the Shadow of Vesuvius   930-1045 MW BUS 122 Anderson
 CLAR 699/899 Independent Study   ARR      
Course Number Name Cross Time Day Online Professor
*CLAS 230 Ancient Epic Tales   930-1045 TuTh HUM 471 Safran
*CLAS 240 Greek & Roman Drama   1230-1345 TuTh HUM 126 Avinger
*CLAS 260.01 Greek & Roman Mythology   930-1045 MW HUM 108 Safran
*CLAS 260.02 Greek & Roman Mythology   930-1045 TuTh HUM 108 Smith
*CLAS 260.03 Greek & Roman Mythology   1100-1215 TuTh HUM 108 Smith
*CLAS 260.04 Greek & Roman Mythology   Asynchronous   Online Smith
*CLAS 280.01B The Ancient World in Film =CINE 180 Asynchronous   Online Safran
*CLAS 280.02B The Ancient World in Film =CINE 180 1230-1345 TuTh FA 193 Safran
*CLAS 410B Ancient Greek Literature =HUM 401 930-1045 TuTh HUM 118 Avinger
 CLAS 690/890A Edit & Publish Classics Journal   ARR      
 CLAS 697 Honors Thesis   ARR      
 CLAS 699/899 Independent Study   ARR      
 CLAS 701 Greek Language and Literature   1530-1815 Tu Online Pappas
 CLAS 896/896EXM Directed Reading: Classics   ARR      
 CLAS 898 Master's Thesis/Creative Work   ARR      
Course Number Name Cross Time Day Online Professor
*GRE 101 Elementary Ancient Greek   1200-1340 TuTh Online Pappas
 GRE 699/899 Independent Study   ARR      


Course Number Name Cross Time Day Online Professor
*LATN 101 Elementary Latin   1400-1540 TuTh Online Avinger
 LATN 460/760A Roman Historiography I   1100-1215 MW Online McIntosh
 LATN 699/899 Independent Study   ARR      

*Approved for General Education
CTentatively Scheduled

N.B. This is a tentative schedule, and is subject to change

Course Number Name Session Time Online Professor
*CLAS 260 Greek & Roman Mythology R1 (May 31-July 1) Asynchronous Online Leitao
*CLAS 280A The Ancient World in Film R1 (May 31-July 1) Asynchronous Online Leitao

 *Approved for General Education
CTentatively Scheduled

N.B. This is a tentative schedule, and is subject to change