Undergraduate Advising Center (UAC): Advising services for all undergraduate students
Advising Hub: If you are looking for a resource center, information about probation or advising for your first semester
Tutoring and Academic Support Center (TASC): Wide array of tutoring services
Educational Opportunity & Pathway Programs (EOPP): Admissions, academic, financial and personal support; on-going advising, tutoring, peer mentoring and developmental workshops
Gator Smart Start: Partners with local high schools, incoming students, and current SF State Gators to ensure students excel in their English composition (writing) and quantitative reasoning (math) courses
Food+Shelter+Success: Housing, food and other basic needs resources for all students
Gator Groceries: Resources intended to address food insecurity needs for students
Providing Assistance To Housing Solutions (PATHS): Assists SF State students work towards housing stabilization
The following forms and petitions, and more, can be found on the Registrar's website.
Please follow all instructions as shown on the specific form.
Academic Probation Hold Clearance Form – For removal of academic probation hold, once GPA has been brought to a minimum 2.0
Exceed Max Units – To enroll in 20 units or more during the fall and spring semester
Independent Study (699/899) – For eligible students to receive approval for independent study
Waiver of College Regulations – Waivers for various issues such as adding a course already repeated, late add of course for current semester and late graduation application
Change of Grade – Request to change letter grade or incomplete grade
Change of Major or Minor – Submit online requests to change your major or minor for fast and convenient service
Withdrawals – Current-semester withdrawals are handled electronically and only after the last day to drop has passed. Click the link to see the acceptable and non-acceptable reasons for current-semester withdrawal
Since 2005, the department has sponsored the annual Raoul Bertrand Lecture, which aims at introducing the scholarship of a nationally renowned Classical scholar to the department, campus and community.
San Francisco State University is proud to offer a wide diversity of resources for the study of ancient Mediterranean civilizations, whether material or textual.
Ancient Artifacts and Museum
The University houses two collections of ancient artifacts: the de Bellis Collection, which includes Etruscan, Greek, and Roman materials, and the Sutro Egyptian Collection, which provides students with "hands on" experience in museum skills.
Students interested in numismatics may also make use of the Lindgren Coin Collection.
UC Berkeley Classes
The University has a limited cross-registration policy allowing regularly enrolled full-time students to register in one course per semester at UC Berkeley.
International Classes
Students who choose to participate in international programs can, upon approval, earn academic credit at SF State while they pursue full-time study at a host university or special study center abroad.
Library and Reading Room
The Richard L. Trapp Classics Library and Reading Room contains thousands of volumes of use to students, study and group work space, and a small computer lab offering printing and scanning capabilities.
Library Online Resources
Through the Trapp lab, students also have online access to the Thesaurus Linguae Graecae, l'Annee Philologique, Brills' New Pauly, and Jacoby's Fragments of the Greek Historians.
Academic Links
- Perseus Digital Library
- POxy Oxyrynchus Papyri
- Links to all things Latin, including an easy to use HTML archive of Latin texts from ancient times to the present
Journal Searches
- TOCS-IN Website searches Tables of Contents of Journals of interest to Classics
- Project Muse: Search and access journal articles in all areas. Classical journals include Arethusa, American Journal of Philology and Transactions of the American Philological Association (TAPA)
- OneLook: Look up words in a broad range of online dictionaries simultaneously, from the American Heritage to the very specialized - indispensable!
- Theoi Project Greek Gods, Spirits, & Monsters
- Palimpsest - Bookbinding and the Conservation of books: A Dictionary of Descriptive Terminology
Campus Organizations
Other Points of Interest
- Nova Roma Creating a new Roman Republic
- Classical Language Instruction Project: The sound of Ancient Greek and Latin
- Homer in Performance
- Thesaurus Musicarum Latinarum: An online resource for Latin texts dealing with music from the 3rd to 17th centuries. Texts range from St. Augustine's De Musica and Macrobius' commentary on Cicero's Somnium Scipionis, to letters by Descartes--all in Latin
Counseling and Psychological Services: Support services, crisis intervention resources, faculty training, etc.
Health Promotion and Wellness: Campus health initiatives and programming
The SAFE Place: Crisis intervention, advocacy and confidential Title IX support for survivors dealing with past or recent incidents of sexual assault, dating or domestic violence, sexual harassment and/or stalking
Safe Zone: Campus network of LGBTQ allies
University Police Department (UPD): Call 911 in any emergency. Visit website for non-emergency details and resources
Student Health Services: Provides accessible and low–cost quality health care to all SF State students
Campus Recreation: Access to the Mashouf Wellness Center is included in student fees
SF State Mobile App: Check grades, register for classes, access course information, check the food truck schedule and much more
Clubs and Groups: View a list of student clubs and groups within the college
Title IX: Promoting gender equity and preventing sexual harassment/sexual violence
Disability Programs and Resource Center (DPRC): Resources and services for students with disabilities and other needs
J. Paul Leonard Library: Computer labs with printers, study rooms, laptop rentals and more
SF State Experimental College: Promoting student-run, co-learning environments
OneCard/Gator Pass: Functions as your identification card, public transportation discounts, etc.
Veteran Services: Veteran benefits and services
Office of Student Financial Aid: Estimated tuition rates
Dream Resource Center: Support services for undocumented students
Gator Connect: Networking and professional mentorship
Student Employment: On-Campus student employment & federal work study

Student Resources at SF State
Many of the resources available to students at SF State are listed on this resource site.